The importance of water


Technically, water is a liquid between temperatures of 0-100 degrees Celsius. On a molecular level it consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Water dissolves many elements and moleculs, which creates the environment for life to appear and evolve. There are also anomalies in the ice form which occur in deep below zero temperatures. If slow warming occurs in those temperatures, the ice will start melting and remain so, until it cools again.

Should we assume human supremacy in the animal kingdom, the human body contains water, usually quoted as 70% of the body weight, although this percentage varies and particularly falls with ageing.

Most of our planet is covered by the oceans, which have a cooling effect on the world climate making the Earth temperature milder and less extreme. This is made obvious in the continental weather of Siberia and Canada which, where further from the sea have cooler winters, and drier weather than on the coastline. Also, the southern hemisphere usually has significantly more rain than the northern hemisphere. This is caused by the higher land ratio in the north of the equatorial.

It could be argued that water has a high impact on all aspects of life. There are also further considerations of overlapping science and faith into the spiritual realm. The example of the Holy Trinity (as appreciated by most of the Christian denominations to embody God in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; whilst maintaining singularity of God), could be understood as description of a molecule, of which two atoms are of the same nature and one is different. From the most common substances on Earth, it would have to be water. This revelation from the book of god would therefore suggest our divine connection through the water molecules in our bodies.

The reflection above is not meant just as a conversation starter. Water is one of the most critical supplies of the household. As long as it is not missing, it tends to be overlooked. It has the same importance as fresh air and whilst you may survive polluted air for extended periods of time and fasting of food may be of health benefit, starving yourself of water will be fatal very quickly, sometimes as shortly as within two days or even more rapidly in the right temperature/air moisture circumstances.

What happens when someone consumes polluted water varies greatly. It depends on the health state of the consumer; the type of pollution - what and how much of it is dissolved in the liquid; and sometimes also previous exposure to the particular pollution. Whilst health of a person could be considered as a simple percentage, where the higher the HP points simply betters the outcome of poisoning, the other two considerations are more complicated. The outcomes of different minerals in your water differ and some minerals are necessary - water of very low hardness will be enriching itself - bursting cells it touches, similarly as water with too high or low pH would. Considering the potential biological pollution in the water source, there might be some positive impacts of previous exposure on the aftermath. It is an old anecdote of visiting family in the countryside, the visitors gain digestion issues after drinking from the well, although the hosts seemed fine and a bit puzzled from the sudden discomfort of their guests. Some fecal fecal bacteria may have such effect, namely E. Coli.

It is in everyone's best interest to drink water with a controlled quality. In case of water supplied by water mains, it is not usually an issue. In England, water companies sometimes struggle with managing their sewage from escaping to nature, however, the water delivered to the households is monitored regularly and they must provide the results online for everyone to see. Therefore, should there be concerning data on their website, chances are that you would have known about it from the local media and also the water provider must inform the water mains account holder immediately, as soon as they discover any serious issues.

You may still decide to do a quick test of the water in your home and boil it, especially if it is shortly after such concern from your water company. If you have a private water supply, you may look into the water testing more closely and consider whether you require some sort of water purification method for your domestic water source. Feel free to look through my company's website to help you navigate with this task.

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